
![What is Celtic Noh [At the Hawk's Well] (The Hawk Princess)?](../img/takahime_menu2_60_e_about.png)

Message from The Ambassador of Ireland
On the occasion of the performance of
WB Yeatsf At the Hawkfs Well/The Hawk Princess
Congratulations to everyone involved in this unique and historic staging of WB Yeatsf dramatic masterpiece At the Hawkfs Well/ The Hawk Princess.
This once-off performance marks the centenary of the playfs publication in March 1917. Celebrated Noh artist, Gensho Umewaka and Anunafs Michael McGlynn have collaborated to weave together strands of Irelandfs and Japanfs great cultures. This is a truly fitting way to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic ties between our two countries.
WB Yeatsf work is treasured worldwide by people of all ages and in all walks of life. In Japan, his rich and sometimes enigmatic verse has influenced many Japanese artists and writers, just as Yeats himself took inspiration from the mystery and symbolism of Japanese traditional theatre.
Our cultural links with Japan are one of the mainstays in our thriving and friendly relations and the figure of Yeats, especially his profound regard for Japanese theatre is one of the important links within that friendship.
I hope that this special connection will be appreciated more widely by our Japanese friends through this event, and that this in turn will lead to more Japanese visitors to Ireland to explore for themselves the many links that bind our two island nations.
Finally I would like to thank the staff of Plankton Music, especially the company President Keiko Kawashima, for their commitment to the project over many months and for bringing it to fruition at Tokyofs wonderful Orchard Hall.
I hope that everyone will enjoy this interesting historical and artistic journey.
Anne Barrington
Ambassador of Ireland