1. The Ronan Boys/ Ralph's 2-3-5
2. Northern Jig/ The Box Man
3. Rolling in the Barrel/ The Laurel Tree/ O'Rourke's
4. The Island of Woods
5. Smokies in Arbroath/ Mystery Writer/ The Blessings of Gold
6. Kieran's Polka/ The Bike to Ballyhahill
7. Hunter's Moon/ Getting There/ The Morris Minor
8. The Man With One Kidney/ The Spy Czar
9. Fremont Center/ The "Vornado"/ Minutemen
10. Dennehy Dancers/ The McSweeney Side
11. Ashleigh Roach's/ With Ourselves/ Wild Pitch
12. A Long Night on the Misty Moor
13. Ceisel's Sword/ The Monasterydan Fancy