1. Naked and Bare
2. White Wife
3. Troila Knowe
4. Waltz From Orsa
5. Fezeka's
6. Jim Craig's Set
7. Christchurch Cathedral
8. Seven Step Polka
9. Da Kirk Stack
10. Faroe Tune
解説:茂木健 税抜2,600円

1. Yarmin Yowes Return
2. Uyea Isle
3. Zander The Sander
4. Leaving Lerwick Harbour
5. Da Shaalds
6. Du's Bun Lang Awa An I'm Tocht Lang To See Dee
7. On The Wings of a Skorie
8. Christine
9. The Sneug Water Waltz
10. Da Farder Ben Da Welcomer
11. The Pumping Bass
12. The Swan
VIVO-318 解説:茂木健 税抜2,600円