ケルティック・クリスマス プログラム in 日本
駐日アイルランド大使 ポール・カヴァナ氏からのメッセージ
「ケルティック・クリスマス」のオンライン開催に際し、株式会社プランクトン代表 川島恵子氏をはじめ素晴らしいチームの皆様へ、心よりお祝い申し上げます。
Beir bua and go dté sibh slán.(皆様のご健康とご多幸をお祈りいたします。)

Celtic Christmas Programme, in Japan
12-13 December, 2020
Message from HE Paul Kavanagh
Ambassador of Ireland to Japan
My heartiest congratulations to indefatigable Keiko Kawashima and her fantastic team at Plankton, for their great initiative to hold the 2020 annual ‘Celtic Christmas Concert’ on-line.
Spanning two decades, this event has been the most highly-anticipated in the calendars of Irish traditional music aficionados all over Japan. The headline acts during these years reads like a ‘who’s who’ of Irish music stars. The Irish performers for their part, have been delighted and honoured to travel here to meet and entertain their passionate fans and to engage with their so highly valued partners every December.
I myself have attended Plankton’s Celtic Christmas Concert. I remember the packed house and a cheering and dancing audience! It is thanks to events like this that many Japanese people, across generations, encounter our Irish culture and people for the first time and develop their love of it over the years. In some cases, those same fans are inspired to take up Irish instruments, or dance, and go on to perform at the very highest level.
Music crosses borders. And this time, more than any since this project by Plankton began, people yearn for the human contact and fellowship that come through music and musical performance. Traditional music offers this, with its roots close to nature and in the hearts of diverse communities.
So although Celtic Xmas cannot take place ‘live’ in Tokyo this year, I hope the show will bring joy to every person and household joining in virtually. And I hope that more performers will be able join the session and the fun. I am sure it will be a night to remember.
Thank you to everyone who supported this event and who helped bring it to fruition.
I wish you and your families and friends a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year.
And I look forward to our all being together again in person when the Covid19 clouds lift for all of us.
Beir bua and go dté sibh slán.
Paul Kavanagh
Ambassador of Ireland to Japan